sisterhoodoftheworldbloggersaward-graphicI’ve been complaining for weeks that Old Man Winter is nothing but a tease.  With a flurry here or a light dusting there, I was beginning to think a pretty white winter wasn’t going to happen.  And then … BAM! Old Man said take that and pounded us with a foot of snow.  Before moving to Kentucky, I saw snow twice in my life. Twice, and even after being here for sixteen years, I still get excited about it.  And since I don’t drive on the stuff- I do good maneuvering a vehicle on good roads, much less slick ones- and because the hubby pretty much works around the clock during bad weather, I’m home bound.  Which means I should be putting these free days to good use and working on my manuscript, but it seems I’ve done a lot of everything but.  Things like the Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers award. Another blog hop?  Yeah, why not?  I’ve got time 🙂

The rules are fairly simple.

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.

2. Put the Award logo on your blog.

3. Answer the ten questions sent to you.

4.Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

5.Nominate seven blogs.

So, thank you very much E.L. Wicker, I appreciate the nomination. I mention her quite often on here.  She’s one of those people I just clicked with.  So if you’ve never visited her site, you should.  She’s the author of The Bearwood Series, an amazing new vampire series with a modern twist. Fractured Immortal is available now and Finding Immortal is on its way soon!

So, to answer the questions given to me by E.L.:

1. What is your favorite book?

I hate when someone asks me this question because I have so many and it’s hard to narrow it down to just one, so I’m going to say Night Sins by Tami Hoag and simply because it sparked my love for reading again.

2. Do you have a favorite character in a book?

Hard one! Especially since I typically read romance and the type of characters vary so drastically.  I like strong, driven females, especially those that go against the norm of what is expected from a woman, but I still want them to be a lady.

3. What is your preferred book genre?

Easy peasy- romance

4. What book did you most read as a child?

The Sweet Valley High series.

5. If you could live in any book world, where would it be?

You’re making me think! I would love to say Harry Potter, because I think that would be super cool, but in reality I’m such a weenie it would probably scare the shit out of me.  I’ve had this fantasy romance somewhat going through my mind about mermaids and I love all things water, so I think I’d pick something like that.

6. One of my favorite books is The Killing Place because of the wintery atmosphere – do you have a season you prefer to find in books?

I also love wintry themed books, especially those with a snowed in trope.  I also enjoy reading Christmasy books all year long.  Again, I think it’s because they typically occur in winter.  I think it has something to do with being in the cold with  a hot, sexy guy to warm up too 🙂

7.  What’s you favorite TV Show? – I’m just being nosy now!

Do sporting events count? Because if the Kentucky Wildcats are playing, I’m there.  But, gosh I don’t watch TV unless I’m at my sisters and then it’s usually some kind of reality crazy stuff like Snapped.  I do love Criminal Minds, though. I have an obsession with serial killers and how their minds work- weird I know.

8. Name one interesting thing about yourself.

I blogged about this before, but in case someone missed it. I was born and grew up in Texas. My husband was born and grew up in Kentucky.  We met when he was in stationed at Ft. Hood while in the army.  Years after we were married, we discovered that the doctor, who delivered me, was originally from Kentucky and was a brother to the doctor who delivered my husbands two older brothers.  So, our paths weirdly crossed before we ever met.

9. What is your biggest fear.

Mice.  I hate the little boogers.  I’m convinced I must have had some kind of past traumatic experience that I’m blocking because even saying the name gives me chills.

10. Would you like to join my vigilante team? (must supply own bows and leather/pvc suit)

Hell yeah!  I’ll grab one of the boys bows, but it’ll have to be a pvc suit, cause um … leather would not be pretty on this!

And now for the nominations – oh jeez! Seriously 7? I’m terrible at this.  How about I’ll nominate a few and then if anyone else wants to join in they can. And for those that I’ve nominated, please don’t feel obligated to participate. Although, I’d love to see everyone’s answers, I know how busy we all can be and that we use our blogs for different things.

Rachel Carrera

Paige Randall


April Nichols Baker

Julie Stock

And, the questions:

1. How often do you read?  Daily, weekly, monthly?

2. Favorite Movie?

3.  Worst habit?

4.  I have a couple weird food quirks.  I don’t like chocolate or ketchup.  How about you?

5.  Since we are all authors, what’s one accomplishment you’d like to have with your writing?

6.  Collect anything?

7.  Most daring thing you’ve done.

8.  Although I don’t believe a drop of what I read, I’m a tabloid junkie.  I know shameful, but I can’t help it.  So, what’s your guilty pleasure?

9.  What’s the last picture you took with your phone?- A bit nosy, but I’m running out of interesting things to ask!

10.  I think we all have a few OCD tendencies in one way or another.  Mine is list. Emails, caller ID, and text messages even my work list on my computer at work, they drive me crazy if something is sitting there.  Have any obsessions/compulsions?


    1. No worries, Julie. This is a busy week for you. I hadn’t done one in a while and then got asked to take part in three. I’m trying to spread them out, so not to overwhelm anyone.


  1. I also love Christmasy stories, even in the summer. Especially if it’s not a Christmas-themed story, but Christmas is sort of ambiently happening in the background. I’m actually setting the sequel to my WIP at Christmas…mostly to appease a friend who wanted to see a fight scene set to Trans Siberian Orchestra’s Carol of the Bells, lol!

    I don’t understand why people don’t like mice. They’re so cute! We had a mouse in the break room this week and I just wanted to adopt it and keep it in a cute bowl on my desk.

    Awesome questions! I can’t wait to answer them 😀 Thanks for the nod.


  2. I actually do think mice are kinda cute in a sinister sort of way. I have no idea where my aversion to the came from and I’m not scared that they’ll hurt me. They just totally freak me out. Thanks again for participating.


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