7.7.7 CHALLENGE- A Peek At My WIP


No big surprise here … I was included in a 7.7.7 challenge by my good friend, Bill.  He’s mentioned so often on my blog, that I’m not sure an introduction is necessary.  But for anyone that doesn’t know Bill or hasn’t already check out his blog, you can do so now by clicking here.  Really, you should, because he posts some interesting things and is just a neat guy to know.  Besides, he’s working on his first thriller and I can guarantee you’ll want to grab a copy the minute that baby is released!

The 7.7.7 challenge is for the author to go to page 7 of their current WIP (work in progress), skip down to line 7 and then, share the next 7 lines of their manuscript with you.  Okay, I have to admit, I have several WIP …  all in various stages of completion.  I recently updated this blog to include the three that are somewhat, mildly, part of the way finished.  The upside to that?  At least I had choices of what to use in this challenge.  Oddly, I didn’t choose something from any of the three works that I have listed and sadly, I don’t have a name for this piece.

The following scene takes place at an airport baggage claim after two strangers meet on a plane and find out they are staying at the same Mexican Resort.

He stood, admiring her curves as she bent, tossing a layer of blonde hair over her shoulder while checking the nametag on the luggage. He hadn’t realized how pretty she was at first. His only intention had been to try and calm her from the knuckle clutch she had on the armrest. It wasn’t until she turned, the fear completely masking her face, that he noticed the cute indention on her chin. So taken with the beauty mark, he didn’t see the light dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose or the matching caramel color of her eyes. But once he did, it was hard to look away and hard to hide the smile that kept creeping up.  Finally, he gave in and let it have its way.

Exactly at 7.7.7   What did you expect from a romance?

Since I’m terrible at nominating these things, I’m just going to link you to a couple friends whom have also done the challenge.  Make sure you check out their work, because they are truly some talented folks!

WC Cunningham, Writes – Just in case you didn’t click up on top, here it is again!

E.L. Wicker- A writers journey- E.L. just finished the final edits on her first novel.  This will be another one you wont want to miss.

Paige Randall, Finding the write way– You can’t go wrong with a girl who loves bourbon and has a wicked sense of humor.

8 thoughts on “7.7.7 CHALLENGE- A Peek At My WIP

      1. So am I!! I think it’s amazing how you hooked me with seven lines! I’m experiencing the same thing. My last book was really hard to write at times – my latest project is taking off. I can’t wait to read your finished book!!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Nice! That’s a great paragraph that you happened to land on. I appreciate that the things your protagonists finds beautiful are rather unique too. It’s not just “she had gorgeous blonde locks and stunning eyes!” All the stuff he fixates on are tiny details that tell a lot about your female character.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was very lucky that it landed there, but also worried that people reading it would think … just another love story. The challenge was for fun anyhow, so that’s all that matters.

      And thank you, I have a terrible habit of not describing my heroine . Never once did I described the female in Drive Me Sane until it went to my editor and she said, “Ah, what does she look like?” Oops! So, I’ve been trying to be better about that. Glad you appreciated the subtle characteristics.


    1. Honestly, I have to work really hard at the descriptions, they are not something that comes easily to me. So, thank you!

      I have never participated in NaNoWriMo. I do have a friend who is this year. Maybe I’ll see how it fairs for her and give it a whirl next year. Have you ever done it?


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