Review Rating Guidelines

I typically read romance in general, with contemporary romance being my choice of genre, however I venture off to other subjects too.  I hope that any author who reads a review I’ve written on behalf of their book understands that I’m one person in a world of millions and my opinion is just that…mine.  So I thought that maybe I should decode the way I decide on what kind of rating a book gets and hopefully clarify what I honestly think of your book.
***** 5 Star- Your book was awesome.  There isn’t anything I would change about it.  I couldn’t put it down (probably read well into the middle of the night) and was still thinking about it for days afterwards (what we bookworms call a book hangover).

****  4 Star- Your book was great.  Maybe it didn’t leave me with the feeling of lonesomeness the next day, but I will be sure to add you to my favorite author list.

***  3 Star- This is honestly where most books fall for me.  If I rate your book three stars, you can be sure that I liked it and definitely would be open to reading more of your work.

**   2 Star- Overall, I thought the story was okay.  Maybe the writing wasn’t as well as I thought it should be or it could be the direct opposite; the writing was done nicely and the storyline wasn’t there.

*    1 Star-   I usually give 1 Star to those stories that both the storyline and writing didn’t hold up.  I have been known to lose interest in a story that I found completely unbelievable no matter how well written and those usually end up here as well.

Basically, I’m pretty easy to please (at least I think so).  I can usually find something I like in almost everything written.  I’m die hard about if I start the story, I have to finish it.  It’s a compulsion. I feel that if someone put the time and hard work into writing it, I can at least give them the respect of seeing their project through. If you are interested in requesting a review, please send an email to, with your name, title of book and a link to the book if possible.  If you do not have a link, please supply a short blurb. As I stated above, I prefer romance, but will consider other genres if it sparks my interest.  Please note that I work full time, have a family, am currently working on my own writing, and post reviews for a number of sites.  Therefore, I cannot accept every request and ask that you do not send me a copy of your work unless asked to do so.  Also, I cannot guarantee timelines, but will try to keep in mind if a specific date is requested.  I am also open to guest post and book spotlights on my blog.  If this is something that interest you, again, please email me at with your request.  At this time, I am not hosting blog tours.