Screen Characters Blog Hop

I’ve been in a blogging slump lately.  I haven’t had anything interesting to talk about- or maybe I never do!  So, thank you  Paige Randall, Finding the write way, for including me on this Favorite Screen Characters Blog Hop.  I don’t do much TV, but I do have some favorites.   I’m mostly an oldies, but goodies kind of girl:) Rules of the game… name your ten favorite TV or Movie characters, then nominate ten friends to do the same- okay, I suck at this, so if you want to participate, join in and I’d be happy to link your post to mine.

“Ma, you been bad.”- Sloth, Goonies

thegooniessequel Who didn’t love this guy?  Who didn’t love this movie?  I wanted to be a Goonie, hell I still do!

“No panties! She’s not wearing any panties!” – Fred, Drop Dead Fred.


Okay, so this one might be a little goofy, but my sister and I LOVE Drop Dead Fred.  He would have been the most awesome imaginary friend ever!

“Can you see her? Her raped, beaten, broken body soaked in their urine, soaked in their semen, soaked in her blood, left to die. Can you see her? I want you to picture that little girl. Now imagine she’s white.” – Jake Brigance, A Time To Kill

a-time-to-kill-180-031111 One of my all time favorite movies and not because Mr. McConoughey is smoking hot or because he’s  a fellow Texan, it’s just an awesome movie.

“Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.”- Willie Wonka, Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

gene-wilder-as-willy-wonka-1335876825_b I’m still waiting for a golden ticket!  Clearly, I have a love for weird, silly movies.  I tried the newer version and just couldn’t get into it.

“All secrets are deep.  All secrets become dark.  That’s in the nature of secrets.”- Derek Morgan, Criminal Minds


One of the few TV shows I love to watch.  Who doesn’t want to be called baby girl by this guy?

“People fall in love.  They fall right back out.  It Happens all the time.” – Birdie Pruitt, Hope Floats

hopefloats-1024x576Really this could be any Sandra Bullock movie, but Hope Floats has always been one of my favorites.

“Oh, you know what? Next week’s no good…the Jonas Brothers are in town. But any week after that, it’s totally fine.” -Zach Galifiankis, The Hangover

the_hangover15Oh my!  This movies makes me howl every time I watch it.

 “Multiply your anger by about a hundred, Kate, that’s how much he thinks he loves you. “- Alex Cross, Kiss The Girls1320-2Again, this could be any of Morgan Freeman movie.  He is by far one of my favorite actors.

“How many of them hormones you takin’, honey? “- Ninny Threadgoode, Fried Green Tomatoes


This woman was such a hoot!

“I’m pretty good at this lawyering stuff.” – Mater, Cars

MaterCarsI threw this one in just for fun.  One of my boys favorite movies.  I love it too.

Be sure to check out, E.L. Wicker’s favorites!

So, that’s some of my favorites.  I’d love to hear yours.

7 thoughts on “Screen Characters Blog Hop

    1. I’m with you, Kathy! I still love that movie and watch it all the time. Sadly, my boys do not share in my love. Sloth scares them. I really think I’ve done something wrong there :/


  1. The Goonies!! Everyone should watch the movie AT LEAST ten times! 😀 You have so many good things on this list. Criminal Minds is one of the very few things that both Ricky and I agree on, sooo good. The Hangover is another – we’ve watched them all, love them. I read A Time To Kill before I watched it and the movie does it justice – nothing to do with Mr McConaghue either – honest. Kiss The Girl’s is another one I read before I watched – Morgan Freeman is also one of my favorite actors of all time. I think I twittered about that at some point. He rocks. Drop Dead Fred – awesome movie! My sister watched it a few years ago and message me to say Kiera Knightly was awesome in it – lol! The youth of today!! (She’s 10 years younger than me) although Winona Ryder and Kiera Knightly do look similar. Great Post! Also, I had never even heard of Hope Falls, just watched the trailer – I can’t believe I’ve never seen it. I’ll be fixing that VERY soon.


    1. For some reason I have a hard time reading a book after I watch the movie. I’m not sure why, because I have no problem doing it the opposite way, read book then watch movie. So, I’ve never read A Time To Kill or Kiss The Girls, but I bet they are awesome. It’s been so long since I’ve watched them, maybe I could make myself sit down and read the books now. Maybe someday I’ll get around to that. I’m so glad someone else likes Drop Dead Fred. So few people ever know what I’m talking about when I mention it. Your sister reminds me of my nephew a few years ago, he asked if we heard that new group Bon Jovi. I about died laughing. You should definitely watch Hope Floats. It was actually filmed not far from where I lived in Texas. It’s a good, feel good, girly movie.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. HAHA!!! I’ve been listening to Bon Jovi since school and they were around even before that, as you (and everyone, I thought!) knows. I would’ve died laughing too! And Drop Dead Fred is a GREAT movie. I am definitely going to be watching Hope Floats – it really looks like my kind of thing!


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